When and how will the Resistance resist?
Toryland is occupied. The high priests of Brexitism have
seized power and they claim to have the people behind them. While some are more
fanatical than others, they all share a faith, pure and unwavering, in the panacea
that is Brexit, the solution to every ill. Brexit will bring a thousand years
of prosperity: you just have to believe.
There are disagreements within
Brexitism, the softies and the hardies, while each day has its own prevailing
version of the “Deal”. Sometimes the Gooddealers are in the ascendancy, the
ones who favour “Jaw, jaw” over “War, war”. So long as he remembers which side
he is on, the Blond Bojo is their standard-bearer, while behind him stands the sinister
Goveatollah, who is rumoured never to go out without his stiletto. Then there
are the Nodealers, with the always predictably unpredictable IDS-eologue at
their head. “Don’t talk”, he barks, “Walk away. We are better off on our own in
our own private universe.” From a different universe entirely comes the Nodealer
Time Lord himself, Dr Mogg, tipped as a Prime Minister of Toryland in the
future, but a man whose time machine can only steer in reverse.
The Prime Minister is the May Queen, a virtual hostage in
Number 10, her every utterance combed over for its adherence to Brexitist
orthodoxy. So afraid is she of offending the high priests of Brexit that she
has at times allowed a mechanical Maybot to take her place, especially when she
has been subjected to that gruesome form of public torture known as the
Interview. She remains in office but not in power, living on a diet of vichyssoise
and Vichy water, only because the Brexitists tolerate her and because no-one
can think of anyone else to do the job. The most plausible alternative is the
spokesperson of Brexitism, known as DavDav, but he has trouble deciding what
sort of a Dealer he is.
And then there is the Toryland Resistance, vilified by the
Brexitists for pessimism, lack of patriotism, treason and being “enemies of the
people”. They are not believers, and therefore they deserve the punishment
reserved for infidels, such is the reign of terror that extreme Brexitists are
trying to launch, especially using their mass circulation pamphlet the Waily
Wail. The Resistance has many sympathisers but few protagonists, apart from The
Griever, The Soubster and Morgana, and of course the magnificently fearless Clarkeosaurus
Ken, whose days may be numbered but who is determined to live them out
Toryland remains the dominant power but only just. It
benefits, if that is the right word, from its alliance with the small state of
DUP-li-City, a people whose speech emerges not so much from their mouths as
from their throats, whose strange beliefs include a predilection for oranges
and a dislike of greenery. Their most extreme dislike of all is reserved for
Potpourri. Their unusual version of Brexitism involves the drawing of red lines
in mutually contradictory places, so that their alliance with Toryland is
fragile and likely to be short-lived. But it is only DUP-li-City who are
keeping Toryland’s traditional enemy, Labouria, at bay.
Meanwhile Labouria is itself occupied territory. The days of
New Labouria are over, its forces overwhelmed by The Movementum, whose slogan “Out
with the new, in with the old – and the older the better” has gathered
extraordinary levels of popular support. The Movementum cleverly installed a
front man, The Corbuncle, beneath a clever cloak of apparent ineffectiveness.
New Labourians grossly underestimated his popular appeal, allowing him to take
up the position of Supreme Leader, from which they have been totally unable to
oust him.
At the head of the sinister tribe of The Movementum is Mack
the Knife, whose ambition is to rule a Marxist state modelled on Venezuela,
heedless of the ruination that such a course would lead to. He is backed by
legions of fanatical fellow-believers in Marxist orthodoxy. Amongst them are
the enforcers who will stop at nothing in their employment of threats and
intimidation. Any Labourians found guilty of wrongthought are seriously at risk
of being subjected to the hideous surgical procedure known as Deselection.
The Labourian Resistance movement probably has a greater
number of prominent adherents than its Toryland counterpart. Amongst them are The
Chucker, The Cooper, Jessie and The Twin Eagles, but they are very quiet. Is it
because they believe The Corbuncle will deliver the ascendancy that Labourians
crave, almost at any price? Or is it because of the culture of fear that
surrounds them as their every move is watched? Other potential Resistance
members have retreated from the fray, either becoming chieftains of their own
city states or even hunkering down as curators of museums. Meanwhile in
Labouria there is a firm determination to have no discernible opinion on the
subject of Brexitism. The closest Labourians get to a view on Brexitism is to
formulate a clear policy on Cake. Labourians wish to have their Cake and to eat
So what of the unoccupied territories? Apart from the tiny
eco-paradise known as Greenland, still there remain the determinedly free
peoples of Libdemeration Island. No Brexitism for them, either hard or soft. However,
their power is much diminished by their losses following their 5-year alliance
with Toryland. The Islanders try to reach beyond their borders through Cable
TV, but not many seem to be listening, such is the Toryland fear of a Labourian
takeover and vice versa.
Does anything unite the three powers of Toryland, Labouria
and Libdemeration? They have united in their opposition to Gnats, especially
the Scottish variety, while several species of fish have found themselves
opposed by their united forces. The influence of the Sturgeon has been sharply
reduced, while the Salmon has been reduced to perhaps unwisely throwing in its
lot with the notoriously omnivorous Russian bear. Meanwhile the u-Kipper has
almost been made extinct.
Is there any chance of the shackles of occupation being
thrown off? Might the Resistance movements of Toryland and Labouria make common
cause with the free peoples of Libdemeration Island? Given the risks they would
run, how many of the Resistance members will be prepared to act publicly? When
and how will the Resistance resist?
“First they came for
the Socialists, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for
the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a Trade
Then they came for
the Jews, and I did not speak out — because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for
me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” (Martin Niemöller)
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